Civil Aviation Rule 19.357

Rule 19.357 is amended by revoking and replacing clause (a) and adding clause (h). “(ii) the capabilities of any aviation security officer conducting inspections during each 150-day cycle in accordance with the periodic audit provisions referred to in section A.24.” (a) The Director may issue or approve an airport identity card or other identification document in accordance with this Rule if the Director adopts regulations and tertiary legislation of the Civil Aviation Regulations, 1953 required after April 1, 1997 pending the the adoption of new rules; and “(4) its aviation security officers are instructed to use standard test samples to ensure that they can competently inspect the screening equipment; and “(19) the deployment of security officers on board and, where appropriate, foreign security officers on board is facilitated.”; “4A. where the Minister or the Director considers it necessary, make available at their aerodromes persons, objects, substances and vehicles entering and locating persons, objects, substances and vehicles in and located in enhanced security zones; and “. (1) hide the standard test type in any part of the vehicle; and add after “all passengers” “(with the exception of security officers authorized by the Chief of Police during the flight and foreign security officers authorized by the Director during the flight)”. `(1) at any time when the inspection and search is carried out and before entering the security zone, to inform all persons who are called upon to submit to an inspection by means of a notification affixed to each checkpoint that – ” 1. that persons, objects, substances and vehicles entering an enhanced security zone or an area: can be checked or searched in accordance with the specific manner or method approved by the Director; and paste “Enhanced Security Range” after “Security Zone”. “(2) when conducting or searching persons entering a enhanced security zone or an enhanced security zone, persons, including objects, substances and vehicles associated with them, shall be checked and searched at the request of the Minister or the Director; and.. Appendix A.11 (b): Omit “The” and replace “For each sieve point on”. . . . `4. Carry out tests or verifications and record the results of such tests or verifications to confirm this—.

. . (f) The procedures required under item (b)(19) shall include evidence of consultation with the Chief of Police acceptable to the Director. Annex A.5, point (a)(3): `may` be omitted and `shall` be replaced. `(3) ensure, in accordance with the specific manner or methodology approved by the Director, that a file of – 19 309 privileges and restrictions ….. 19 19 311 Duration of the certificate … 20 19 313 Renewal of the certificate … 20 19 315 Registration abroad .. 20 19 317 Staffing needs ….

20 19 319 Equipment requirements. 21 19 321 Supply control procedures 22 19 323 records …. 24 19.325 Exhibition …. 25 19 327 Continuous compliance 26 19 329 Changes to the issuance of certificate holders ……….. 27 19.331 Notification of abandonment …. 28 19 333 Audit and safety inspection …. 28 19 335 transitional provisions …… . .