Hmrc Statement of Liabilities Letter

If you need further assistance or are not sure if the letter is genuine, you can contact us using one of the following options: Our customer support team will review your records and confirm that the letter is from HMRC. You may receive a letter from Kantar and HMRC informing you of the research and inviting you to participate. If you need more information, you can find the contact details of Kantar and HMRC on the letter. Additional details to a letter sent on research with medium-sized companies You must respond to the letter as indicated so that we can make all refunds due to you as soon as possible. Added details to a letter sent about regional information to investigate corporate tax relief. You will receive a HMRC 21-day warning letter if you are late in your tax payments and IF VAT and PAYE remain unpaid. This should lead you to a negotiation on debt payment. The letter itself states that if payment is not made within 21 days of the date of writing, HM Revenue & Customs` lawyer will submit a motion to the High Court to liquidate the company due to its bankruptcy or bring another legal action. It is, in fact, a letter before the action. The letter is accompanied by a statement of liabilities listing the debts in this warning letter.

What is HMRC likely to do? Despite all of the above, this is not a scam letter. It`s a real letter from a little-known department within HMRC called the Elderly Debt Team. Although it is always advisable to be careful, in this case the letter received was genuine. Anyone who has received a letter should contact HMRC as soon as possible with the details of the letter. HMRC Debt Enforcement ADT`s letter entitled “Immediate Action Required – Please Pay” is authentic. If you need more information, you can find the contact details of IFF Research and HMRC on the letter. Visit our creditor actions page for definitions and advice on all of the above. The most important thing is really not to ignore the letter. If HMRC says they will take action in 21 days, they will usually do so. More generally, here are some things to watch out for to determine if an HMRC letter is genuine: You will receive invoices from Enable Payroll for your HMRC commitments. There are so many scams online, whether through social media or email, that it`s often difficult to separate fact from fiction.

You may have seen many articles designed to help you identify fraudulent emails and phone calls (phishing), including ours: Have you received an automated message stating that hmrc has issued an arrest warrant against you? This is a scam. But what about the official-looking brown envelopes that go through your mailbox? How can you tell if the letters inside are authentic and from HMRC? In January 2022, HMRC will work with Kantar to investigate the timely submission of VAT returns. During this time, we can send you a letter inviting you to participate in this research. First, don`t just ignore the letter – HMRC will automatically take action if it doesn`t receive a response within 21 days. The ideal way to solve this problem is to pay off the debt. However, many companies are not able to do this. To avoid this, there is a great solution called Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA). A CVA is simply an agreement between the insolvent company and its creditors; This agreement places a legal fence, a so-called moratorium, around the company and prevents creditors from attacking the company. It allows a viable but struggling business to repay some or all of its historical debt from future profits over a period of time to be agreed.

The directors retain control of the company and stop lawsuits such as hmrc`s handling of petitions if you hire an experienced, high-quality consultant to support them, as we do at KSA. So what can HMRC do to collect its tax arrears? You may have problems: You may have recently seen an image circulating on social media claiming to show a fake HMRC letter. The message states that the phone number provided is a premium rate number and that HMRC has confirmed that this is a scam. We checked this directly with HMRC and it`s not a scam – it`s indeed an official HMRC letter whose content shouldn`t be ignored. Phone number: 0300 200 3310 (this number should be on the letter) You may receive a letter from HMRC asking you to contact us regarding your refund request. We may ask you to send us more information so that we can do so: we reported to HMRC the issues that led people to believe that this letter was a scam – and in particular that it was difficult to verify as neither the phone number nor the address could be matched with the official information on the government website, that we were able to find.. .