Salary Placement Agreement

6. All employees of ten (10) months are reclassified as twelve (12) month employees only for the purposes of this section and receive their annual contract salary for a period of twelve (12) months. 7. Any worker whose schedule does not require attendance in July and August will continue to receive a wage in July and August at his daily rates in anticipation of his availability from 1 September, as long as he remains in an active situation. 25. The school district shall add a list of health education materials to the regular school application form. Each public school receives one hundred ($100) dollars each year so that these supplies can be ordered by the nurse. Any non-public school that has at least one (1) day of nursing service every two weeks will be awarded fty ($50) dollars for this purpose. The manner of implementation of this section has been agreed to by the Federation and the school district and applies to the overall mission of this Agreement, unless it is amended from time to time by mutual agreement between the parties. A joint committee, composed of representatives each appointed by the Superintendent and/or the CHIEF Executive Officer and the Federation, conducts a review of appropriate health education materials to recommend the list of additional documents approved on the educational requirements forms. 4.

A former Philadelphia School District teacher who returns to service after a period of more than four (4) years will receive the same salary credit for his or her previous service as a newly hired teacher with recognized work experience outside of Philadelphia Public Schools. 2. All employees of the collective bargaining unit whose salary is 19 years. January 2010 is at least three thousand three hundred and ninety-two dollars ($50,392) per year, are entitled to overtime pay in the amount of time and a half (11⁄2) for a period of more than forty (40) hours in one (1) week or eight (8) hours in one (1) day. and for working time just between the normal work week and forty (40) hours, with the exception of employees who are assigned a schedule of ten (10) hours / four (4) days per week who are entitled to time and a half (11⁄2) for working hours of more than forty (40) hours in one (1) week. (6) Long-term assistants shall be remunerated at the first stage of the salary scale for the corresponding classification. 12. All 10 paid employees 12 (a ten-month employee who receives his salary over a period of twelve (12) months) who resigns is entitled to receive all funds from his reserve accumulation account after taking into account the necessary salary adjustments/corrections due to early termination.

11. If a worker whose schedule does not require attendance in July and August terminates his employment relationship at any time, he is entitled to severance pay equal to a percentage of his daily wage for each day on which he was in a situation of remuneration between the first day of September preceding his dismissal and his last working day, whichever is earlier. This percentage is determined by dividing the number of days of the week between July 1 and August 31 by the number of days of the week between September 1 and June 30. If the employee`s dismissal date is between 1 July and 31 August, this severance pay is reduced by the gross amount of the salary received for the period from July to 31 August. 4. A school secretary who enters the service of the Philadelphia School District and who has approved an experience as a school secretary outside the Philadelphia School District will receive one year of credit on the applicable salary plan for each year of such experience, which may not exceed two (2) years. The research contract is organized by chapters called articles, which have titles that help you find the information you need. Articles have sections and subsections, and at the end of the contract is a long index to find some information. The contract also contains auxiliary letters that supplement or explain additional agreements between pfT and the district, annexes and salary plans. (b) The head shall be assigned in order of seniority to an empty school which has the same salary classification as the school of origin before the change. (3) A former employee of a Philadelphia public school who returns to service within four (4) years shall be placed on the appropriate salary scale at the same level as an employee of the service with the same experience.

(5) If the seniority of the site is the same, the seniority in the school system is the decisive factor. Continuity of service may not be interrupted by authorized leave without pay, which is not included in the calculation of seniority. (2) If a day teacher attains the long-term status of substitute teacher, the long-term replacement salary may not be deducted due to a difference between the daily wage rates of the two (2) classifications. 8. If the manager refuses to accept such an assignment, he will be reclassified and will receive the salary of the lower level and will remain in his current school. This manager is placed at the top of the seniority list for managers at this lower level. (c) An employee`s normal hourly rate for calculating overtime is his or her basic (biweekly) salary divided by the number of hours he or she must work. He is paid for all hours worked that are greater than seven and three-quarters (73⁄4) hours per day, at the time rate and half (11⁄2). A day of vacation and illness is considered seven and a quarter hours (73⁄4) of consecutive working time. For employees with ten (10) months, the ten (10) biweekly months are used for this calculation.

4. In the event that a client or other director wishes to discuss with an employee matters that may affect his or her position with respect to dismissal, resignation, downgrading or transfer or lead to an adverse anecdotal record, that director must inform the employee in writing that he or she may have a representative of the Federation present at the conference. In the event that such an employee attends the conference without union representation following such an announcement, any agreement or statement made by him may be used. If the employee is not informed of the right to union representation, the employee`s agreements or statements or an event at such a conference may not be used against or against the employee for disciplinary purposes.5. Except in an emergency, when as much notice as possible is given, an employee must be notified at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of each meeting he or she must attend with a director. This notice must also include the purpose of the meeting.6. At any conference between a principal and a staff member attended by one or more persons who are not employees of the school district, the employee participating in the conference shall be entitled to be represented by one (1) representative of the federation of his or her choice. This provision should not be construed as depriving a student`s parents of the right to a private conference with the student`s teacher or advisor.7. .