Cbp Nteu Collective Bargaining Agreement

Implementing anti-worker policies that eliminate fair and equitable treatment and instead create a culture of fear and mistrust is not a way to attract and retain talented workers. The NTEU strongly opposes these LEs and calls on Congress to protect the collective bargaining rights of federal employees. Recently, 24 senators introduced P. 3146, a bill that reflects the provisions of the Financial Services and General State Resources Act (H.R. 3351) passed by the House of Representatives for fiscal year 2020, which would prohibit agencies from implementing collective agreements that have not been mutually and voluntarily agreed upon by all parties or that are the result of binding arbitration. NTEU strongly supports these efforts, which would help respond to the government`s assault on the right to collective bargaining and ensure that organizations meet their legal obligations to bargain in good faith. (4) By mutual local agreement, qualifications for nationally defined work units may be supplemented by (1) knowledge, aptitude or aptitude. Without agreement, only qualifications defined at national level may be used. All RCLs are intended solely to exchange views and information and are intended to complement negotiations within the meaning of the Public Service Reform Act and not to replace them. However, the Parties recognize that issues not resolved at these meetings may be addressed in complaints, medium-term negotiations and other traditional representative forums.

(8) In order to ensure transparency with regard to the compliance of the process and procedure, the Local Tendering and Rotation Committees, each composed of at least two (2) representatives of the NTEU and CBP management, shall review and process staff submissions. The Committee may, by mutual agreement, be of a different size. However, to ensure that the committee is ready for implementation, the government has carried out a full-scale attack on workers` rights and protections – it has ignored the demands of good faith bargaining, undermined collective agreements, imposed unilateral contracts, undermined workers` rights in the grievance process, respected the management of the agency with greater reverence in conflicts and deprived workers of the opportunity to: have a voice in their workplace. NTEU opposes all efforts to reverse the limited rights granted to federal unions, including restrictions on our ability to represent workers to ensure they are treated fairly and have a voice in the workplace. Such changes eliminate opportunities for employees to feel engaged and comfortable working with their agency leaders, impacting retention. H.R. 1433 also authorizes the establishment of an Employee Engagement Steering Committee, composed of representatives from across the department as well as individuals from workers` work organizations representing DHS employees. Finally, the Bill authorizes the Secretary to establish an annual employee rewards program to recognize DHS employees who have not been monitored and who have made a significant contribution to the Department. In our collective agreement with CBP, NTEU negotiated an extremely popular joint employee rewards program. The agency reserves the discretion to determine how much of its budget is allocated to scholarships, but 85% of the total budgeted allowances are recommended by a joint committee for union and management allowances, which is distributed proportionally among the employees of the collective bargaining unit. NTEU recommends that DHS consider CBP`s negotiated joint scholarship program as a model for an agency-wide program.

(7) Employees who wish to bid on one or more available orders must submit a completed Preference and Bid Qualification Form within ten (10) calendar days of the publication (or distribution) of the tender announcements. By mutual agreement, the parties may extend or decide on a longer tender period. (6) At the same time as the posting, CBP will provide (or distribute) an offer preference form and a statement of qualification. Where possible, CBP will standardize this form. The form includes an area where the employee can identify and self-certify seniority and provide up to four (4) priority bid preferences. Instead of expressing a preference for a particular unit of work, the employee (in one of four (4) offer preferences) may indicate their desire to be placed somewhere in the next higher level of the reserved offer opportunity (e.g. B, A-TCET would be the next higher level for outgoing offers). By mutual agreement, the parties may increase or decrease the number of tender preferences. Finally, the persistent shortage of personnel at ports of entry continues to undermine CBP`s morale. NTEU was pleased that the final funding agreement for fiscal 2020 includes $104 million for 800 new CBP OFO positions, including 610 hires of CBP officers and CBP agricultural specialists, to address the staff shortage of 2,700 CBP officers and 721 CBP agricultural specialists in fiscal 2019. NTEU strongly supports the level of funding for CBP OFO employees in the final DHS funding agreement for fiscal year 2020 and calls on Congress to increase these numbers in fiscal year 2021 to address the current staff shortage at ports of entry. According to staff data on board CBP, even with funding for new hires from CBP OFO in fiscal year 2020, there is a shortage of approximately 2,000 CBP officers at ports of entry.

Despite the challenges of integration, changes to the hiring process will be of little use if the government cannot recruit and retain talented people. Government shutdowns, unnecessary forced relocations and proposed agency closures, insults from government officials who label federal employees bureaucrats or swamp creatures, wage freezes, imminent cuts to social benefits for workers, elimination of important work-life balance benefits such as telecommuting and ongoing efforts, collective bargaining for workers, and workers` rights and protections. The reduction in procedures makes it more difficult to hire a new generation of public servants and has led talented federal public servants. Employees leaving the federal public service. • Support legislation and other efforts to enforce the collective bargaining rights of federal employees; The workers concerned and the designated union representative will be informed at least two (2) weeks in advance. These communications shall include the date on which these calendars should resume. There is nothing to prevent the Local from voluntarily agreeing to adjust schedules before the end of the two-week notice period, provided that this is reasonable for management. Without local consent, these temporary suspensions may not last more than three (3) pay periods. Section 15.

Periodic reviews. The following procedures apply to all employees of the NTEU Collective Bargaining Unit who are subject to a New Periodic Investigation (PRI): agents, supervisors, and other employees who act in accordance with Section 5 U.S.C. Paragraphs 7112(b)(2), (3), (4), 6 and 7 are excluded from the bargaining session. As the first national collective agreement between U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the National Union of Treasury Employees (NTEU) for the agency-wide bargaining unit established by the Federal Labor Relations Authority on May 18, 2007, CBP and NTEU establish the following principles of general guidelines to support the creation of a constructive labour-management relationship that effectively responds to critical national criteria. Agency Security Mission Assured and Supported: This section governs the management of the Employee Competency Review (EPR) process for all employees in the bargaining unit. .