Definition Forfeited

“Lost Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed January 9, 2022. Subscribe to America`s largest dictionary and get thousands of additional definitions and advanced search – ad-free! He lost his last chance at early release from prison by repeatedly attacking another inmate. The other team did not show up in time and lost the game. The time limit may have been extended due to circumstances or the contract may expire due to non-performance. Nglish: Package translation for Spanish speakers As a result, on behalf of the highly respected Miss Heald, I now ask that recognitions be lost. He lost any real chance of winning American Jewish voters when he voted for Ryan, says Peter Beinart. The Thanksgiving PlanPosey came to Washington around 1770 as a dilapidated property, which was used to secure a debt owed to Washington by his lavish friend and neighbor John Posey. Recently, I wondered how much money I had lost working for less than male colleagues during my years at the Times.

Perhaps the solution to the conundrum is to admit that the GOP lost 2012 even before the parliamentary elections began. He had lost the right to appear before Zeus as a suitor; in fact, it was no longer as it had been yesterday. Since the Non-Importation Act is still in force, these goods have been confiscated as well as forfeited to the government. But the men in power fumbled and continued to waver until we lost our championship in the air against our enemies. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What do these terms mean? “Indica” vs.”Sativa”: There`s a difference Is there anything Zarif could do to lose his credentials as a “moderate”? Middle English (originally called crime or transgression, hence a fine): from the Old French forfet, forfait, partizip passed from forfaire “transgression”, from for- “out” (from the Latin foris “exterior”) + do “do” (from the Latin facere). Owen`s land was declared dilapidated and vigorous measures were threatened by the English government. He strove to save the souls of those whose bodies had lost to a relapse, and he succeeded in all but one.

The conspiracy failed and Eustache was condemned to lose his English fiefdoms. The Middle English forfait, from the Anglo-French, from the past participle of formaking, forstorting, committing a crime, lost, of external fors (from the Latin foris) + do to do, from the Latin facere – more in the forum, the crackpots finally reveal themselves as such and subsequently lose their influence. But this morning, it is a bull that they are scooping; and a bull that had become so wild and persistent that his life was lost. We have temporarily prevented their IP address from accessing because we have detected behavior that violates our Terms of Service. If you think we have blocked you by mistake, please email us at and let us know. Be sure to provide your current IP address, which you can obtain by clicking here. “Another decadence for a Gaul,” said a Russian writer who was present. 1Department or forfeited (property or rights or privileges) as punishment for misconduct. If officials only look at a “static picture” of a market, “then we risk losing the competitive advantages that may arise in the future.” However, there is also an obvious risk of taking a trip that is too short, because if you are not satisfied with your return, you might be tempted to make a much longer trip the next day, thus losing all the time you have saved. People who store their weapons in dangerous ways could lose their property rights for a while.

THE WINNER MUST CLAIM ADDITIONAL PRIZES WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE CEREMONY, OTHERWISE AN UNCLAIMED PRIZE WILL BE FORFEITED. Why do “left” and “right” mean liberal and conservative? Let him abandon our mortal confiscation (John Milton, The Morning of the Nativity of Christ, 1629) It wasn`t just worries about paying mortgages or losing the prestige of work. Risking eye contact with any of the above means losing all the singles in your wallet. Anglo-French, central French forfait, past partizip to forge to commit a crime, fors outside + faire to do As the culinary writer Dave Infante points out in his newsletter, it is difficult to call this post a “job” given that it does not include health insurance and asks those hired to lose all intellectual property of their work. WINNERS MUST ATTEND THE AWARDS CEREMONY IN NEW YORK ON JUNE 20, 2012, OTHERWISE ALL PRIZES WILL BE FORFEITED. Last September, Sexton pleaded guilty to money laundering in a New York state court and agreed to lose $600,000. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use the right word whenever men who commit crimes against U.S.

civil laws lose their civil rights. 1A fine or penalty for misconduct or violation of the rules of a club or match. If the problem persists, please visit our Help Center and let us know. Lost or handed over as punishment for misconduct or negligence. The word of the year 2020 is . An example of decomposition is when you give up your day off to make more money. I always knew that if I was suspected, my life would pay for decomposition; but I don`t know how fatherhood was discovered. What is the difference between “that” and “that”? An example of a pre-warning is when you lose your driver`s license because you have received too many tickets. If he bought a property that belonged to a feudal property or a parish of the chancery, he had to return it and also lose what he had given in return. The action you were trying to take required permissions that your account doesn`t have.

Try to log in as a different user. As only nine players were present, the football team had to abandon the game. Describe 2020 in one word? We asked, you answered. . If she does not succeed, she returns to her place and pays a package, which is exchanged at the end of the game. In exchange for these privileges, the lord was forced to lose his rights if he did not protect and defend the tenant or do something that harmed the feudal relationship. .