Facility Rental Agreement Church

You may want to have a church representative present when external groups use the building. This person can help ensure that departmental assets are protected and could be a valuable resource in the event of an emergency. A building use agreement is only part of the equation. Another key factor in limiting liability is keeping your equipment in a safe working condition. If someone falls down the stairs because your handrail is loose, the blame will likely fall directly on the church. Life Church does not charge any fees for the use of its facilities for activities directly related to the Service. In addition, no fees are charged for special community events open to the majority of members and followers of the Church of Life. Subject to availability, Life Church does not charge funeral rental fees, however, technical support fees are charged upon request/request (e.B sound, lighting, video, mixer, camera). An additional fee will be charged for costs associated with a reception following the service. All other activities are subject to the fees listed here. Ecclesiastical computer systems, software and server connections are strictly taboo.

If Internet connections are required, prior arrangements must be made with the Church of Life. Customers won`t be familiar with your building, so they may not know how to find the nearest exit or phone in an emergency. They may not even know the name or address of the ministry – crucial details for first responders in an emergency. Before allowing a new group to use your building, provide a record of information that someone reasonably needs to know about your facility. It should include at least the following: All rentals are subject to all of the following conditions as defined in this policy. A signed rental agreement for the use of the facilities is required for all users. This contract contains the conditions of use of the facility and the requirements for supplies and equipment. The use of the facility must comply with the City of Edmonton`s fire, safety, smoking, parking, overcrowding, etc. regulations. Corridors, stairs, fireplaces and all entrances must not be blocked at any time. Exterior doors must not be opened at any time. The rules of capacity of the rooms must be respected.

Life Church reserves the right to terminate the contract if the terms of the contract are breached. In the event that the user terminates the contract within seven days of the scheduled function, Life Church reserves the right to withhold all or part of the rental deposit. In the event that Life Church requires “unexpected use” (i.e., funeral) of all or part of the rented facilities, Life Church reserves the right to cancel, modify or postpone the contract. Candles are only allowed if care is taken to ensure that no wax falls on the floor or other surfaces. Tea lamps and smaller candles can only be used if they are contained under glass, so that the flames do not exceed the top of the container. When using candelabras, drip sensors MUST be used on each candle. Life Church has drip sensors available – must book on rental agreement in advance. Do not move candelabra with lit candles or if the wax is still in liquid form.

Church institution application forms can be used when church members want to host events such as weddings, Bible studies, dinners, birthday parties, etc., and these church members request the use of church facilities. The main problem with lending or renting church buildings to external organizations is that your church can be held responsible for accidents or injuries, even if you were not the sponsor of the event. It is easy to assume that the group and its members would be responsible for their own actions, but often they are not. As a homeowner, you could ultimately be held liable. Church furniture and equipment (i.e. .B i.e. tables, podiums, etc.) must be booked under the rental agreement. Any tenant or applicant to an organization who falsely impersonates themselves in the lease will be denied access to church facilities or grounds, and this is sufficient reason or reason to prohibit or cancel/evict a tenant or guest from doing so.

Deposits may expire. All rooms and other areas of the church that are not specified in the lease are taboo. Life Church strives to be an active member of the community to support community events. For this reason, we want to make our facility available not only to members of our congregation, but also to the entire community. This policy was introduced to reflect this priority while protecting our own values and beliefs. Deposits are due upon signing this agreement and all remaining fees are due 30 days prior to the event. Current rents are billed monthly before the rental date. The Church of Life is a “smoke-free” facility. It is forbidden to smoke of any kind in the church building. No pen, pliers or other fasteners may be used on furniture, furniture or other surfaces of the system. However, adhesive tape and/or masking tape can be discreetly used to hang decorations on walls, but MUST be removed immediately after your event. “Faced with a loss, many churches admitted they were probably overconfident,” said Peter Kujak, senior claims adjuster for Brotherhood Mutual.

“They didn`t assume there was a risk from those who walked through the doors. They realized too late the need to control access to their building and lock down valuables. Access to and operation of Church lighting or sound systems is only permitted by staff trained for life by the Church, unless prior agreement has been made and specified in the rental agreement. Prior agreement for these persons is required as part of the rental agreement. Ask Church members or the person(s) requesting the use of the facilities to complete this form and attach a copy of the policies and procedures for the use of Church facilities before using any Church facility to ensure proper care and use of the facilities. For groups that are already using the building, explain that you need building use agreements to better define which organization is responsible in the event of an injury or accident. Then ask them to sign your new agreement. Most groups should have no problem assuming responsibility for losses arising from their activities.

In fact, they may have assumed from the beginning that the responsibility fell to them. .